Contact Information
- Phone: (203) 432 5011
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Yale University
PO Box 20831
New Haven, CT 06520-8301
Professional Profile
Director, Leitner Program in International and Comparative Political Economy
Faculty Affiliate, Economic Growth Center
Research Fellow, CEPR
Research Fellow, BREAD
Research Associate, NBER
Associate, ThReD

Professor of Economics and Political Science, Yale University
Professor of Economics, LSE
Lecturer in Economics, LSE
Assistant Professor of Political Economy, Stanford GSB
Associate Editor, Quarterly Journal of Economics
Co-Editor, Journal of Development Economics
Associate Editor, Review of Economic Studies
Published research
The Rise and Fall of Local Elections in China
With Monica Martinez-Bravo, Nancy Qian and Yang Yao. American Economic Review 112(9): 2921-58, September 2022. Online appendix here. (NBER working paper here, CEPR discussion paper here, BREAD working paper here).
JUNE 2021
Doing Business in China: Parental Background and Government Intervention Determine Who owns a Business
With Ruixue Jia and Xiaohuan Lan. Journal of Development Economics 151: 1-12, June 2021. (NBER working paper version here).
Crime, Intimidation and Whistle-blowing: a Theory of Inference from Unverifiable Reports
With Sylvain Chassang. Review of Economic Studies 86(6): 2530-2553, November 2019. (NBER working paper version here).
March 2019
Principals, Agents, and Indirect Foreign Policies
With Eli Berman, David A. Lake and Pierre Yared. In Proxy Wars: Suppressing Violence through Local Agents, edited by Eli Berman and David A. Lake. Cornell University Press: 1-27, March 2019.
June 2015
The Value of Democracy: Evidence from Road Building in Kenya
With Robin Burgess, Remi Jedwab, Ameet Morjaria and Edward Miguel. American Economic Review 105(6): 1817-1851, June 2015. Online appendix here. (CEPR discussion paper version here, NBER working paper version here).
June 2012
Selective Trials: A Principal-Agent approach to Randomized Control Trials
With Sylvain Chassang and Erik Snowberg. American Economic Review 102(4): 1279-1309, June 2012. (CEPR discussion paper version here, NBER working paper version here).
June 2012
A Political Economy Theory of Partial Decentralization
With John W Hatfield. Journal of the European Economic Association 10(3): 605-633, June 2012. (NBER working paper version here).
May 2012
The Political Economy of Indirect Control
With Pierre Yared. Quarterly Journal of Economics 127(2): 947-1015, May 2012. (NBER working paper version here).
January 2012
The Lesser Evil: Executive Accountability with Partisan Supporters
With Erik Snowberg. Journal of Theoretical Politics 24(1): 19-45, January 2012.
July 2011
Foreign Influence and Welfare
With Pol Antràs. Journal of International Economics 84(2): 135-148, July 2011. (NBER working paper version here).
November 2010
Conflict and Deterrence under Strategic Risk
With Sylvain Chassang. Quarterly Journal of Economics 125(4): 1821-1858, November 2010. (NBER working paper version here).
April-May 2010
Savings and Predation
With Sylvain Chassang. Journal of the European Economic Association P&P 8(2-3): 645-654, April-May 2010.
October 2009
Economic Shocks and Civil War
With Sylvain Chassang. Quarterly Journal of Political Science 4(3): 211-228, October 2009.
May 2009
Defensive Weapons and Defensive Alliances
With Sylvain Chassang. American Economic Review P&P 99(2): 282-286, May 2009.
October 2007
The Control of Politicians in Divided Societies: The Politics of Fear
Review of Economic Studies 74(4): 1259-1274, October 2007. (Longer NBER Working Paper version here).
August 2006
Legislative Effectiveness and Legislative Life
With James M Snyder. Legislative Studies Quarterly 31(3): 347-381, August 2006.
Working Papers
Exporting Ideology: the Right and Left of Foreign Influence
With Pol Antràs. NBER working paper 31399.
Competitive Capture of Public Opinion
With Ricardo Alonso. NBER working paper 31414
Social Fragmentation, Public Goods and Elections: Evidence from China
With Nancy Qian and Yang Yao. NBER working paper 18633, CEPR discussion paper 9278.
Making Democracy Work: Formal Institutions and Culture in Rural China
With Nancy Qian, Yiqing Xu and Yang Yao. NBER working paper 21058, CEPR discussion paper 10515.